Who Moved My Cheese And Not
who moved my cheese and not
Lazy Poll Monday: Who Moved My Cheese Edition
You know you've had a rough weekend when the best thing you can say is no one threw up directly ON you.
True, it makes for a pleasant change from last weekend when I was not so fortunate, but I woke up on the wrong side of every bed west of the Mississippi this morning (in the I'm-Very-Grumpy way, not the I'm-Gonna-Need-Some-Penicillin way) and my situation has not improved in the three hours since I was rousted from my peaceful slumber by the lovelorn cries (okay, technically lovelorn telephone calls) of a very nice former Golden Gloves boxer with whom I struck up an acquaintance over the summer.
Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your LifeLearn more
Spencer Johnson
The Man with the Golden Glove has the dubious honor of being the only man who has ever carried me down a flight of stairs as an adult without using any type of complex winch and pulley system. Impressive, yes, but it does not excuse a telephone call before nine in the morning. Still, he's very sweet and has been hit in the head an awful lot so I did my best not to be openly hostile, which I think is as much as can reasonably be expected before my feet have hit the floor.
THEN I stumbled down to the kitchen to fix myself some cornbread and a restorative only to discover the fresh butter I got from the lady who sells baggies of various unlabeled dairy products at a little shop down the street tasted like cheese and the memory of an unpleasant scene from yesterday came flooding back.
Who Moved My Cheese?: An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your LifeLearn more
Spencer Johnson
See, someone who shall remain nameless started rooting around in my cheese cage (not a euphemism) and decided my carefully arranged cheeses should all go live together in the refrigerator because apparently this person was raised by wolves/howler monkeys/some other animals that don't understand the importance of not messing with a woman's Camembert without express written consent and thus are to be pitied and very occasionally killed.
Unbeknownst to me, in attempt to right an egregious wrong and get that weird vein in my forehead to stop pulsing profanities in Morse code, the person who was raised by wolves/howler monkeys/etc decided to put everything back EXCEPT he took the previously mentioned fresh dairy butter (which, it should be noted, tasted of nothing but baby angels and cream) and put it in the same cubby of the cheese cage as my most rank and resplendent soft-ripening cheeses.
So, despite it being before noon here on The Wrong Coast, I am calling this day a wash and have decided to spend it in the Texas Room with my best friend, Sweet Lady Internet.
It's been a while since we've had a Lazy Poll Monday and I've been greatly remiss in responding to your comments, so let's give it a go. You know the rules: Anything (almost) goes. Tell me what you've been doing, what's on your mind, survey the MftBG readers for answers to life's mysteries. Anything you want, just keep it clean.
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