医師の関連する型 - general practitioner, internist, infectious disease specialist
尿道炎 - 尿道の炎症領域です
increased due to - STD related
尿道炎女性生殖器系、婦人科, 男性生殖器系, urology [慢性]
女性の痛みを伴う排尿, 難易度女性の排尿, 難易度男性排尿, 頻繁に排尿
Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra. The symptoms are dysuria, which is painful or difficulty urinating. ...
尿路感染症 - 腎臓や膀胱の感染症
a.k.a UTI
尿路感染症感染症, 腎臓病 [acute and may recur]
女性の尿失禁, 女性の痛みを伴う排尿, 背中の痛み, 頻繁に排尿
A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection that effects any part of the urinary tract. Although urine contains a variety of fluids, salts, and waste products, it usually does not have bacteria in it.
Clinical Practice Guideline for the Use of Antimicrobial Agents in Neutropenic Patients with Cancer: 2010 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Feb 15;52(4):e56-93.
I.発熱性好中球減少症患者における高リスクあるいは低リスク患者の区別、 またはリスクアセスメントの役割とは何か? 1.発熱を呈する患者では重症感染を合併しているリスクのアセスメントが おこなれなければならない(A-II)。リスクアセスメントにより、経験的抗菌薬治療が どういった形でおこなわれるか(経口か静注か)、治療の場(外来か入院か)、 抗菌薬の治療期間が決まるかもしれない(A-II)。 2.ほとんどの専門家は、高リスク患者は7日以上続くまたは深刻な好中球減少症 (抗癌剤治療後、絶対値で 医学的合併症、低血圧、肺炎、腹痛、神経学的変化がある患者としている。 こういった患者は、経験的治療のために入院すべきである。(A-II) 3.低リスク患者、7日未満と短い好中球減少期間が予想され、合併症が全くないか ほとんどない患者は、経口の経験的治療が適応となる。(A-II) 4. 公式なリスク分類としては、Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer(MASCC)スコアシステムを用いる。(B-I) i. 高リスク患者はMASCCスコアが21未満である(B-I)。高リスクの全患者は 入院して経験的治療を受ける必要がある(B-I)。 ii. 低リスク患者はMASCCスコアが21より高いものである(B-I)。 この患者は経口および/または外来の経験的治療が適応されるかもしれない(B-I)。
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Bora Aksu at London Fashion Week AW12 // Poor Little Rich Girl
by sophiecha
What? Bora Aksu
Where? BFC Showspace, Somerset House
When? Friday 17th February, 1pm
Who? Hilary Alexander, Brix Smith-Start and her Mulberry-clad pooch, possibly Cher Lloyd
You'd think even the most inventive of designers wouldn't be able to find glamour in an Eastern European/Russian peasant but the Turkish designer Bora Aksu has found a way to make it chic for AW12.
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Drum brake repairs are not likely to be the car services that first come to mind when you consider your next maintenance check, but if your brake shoes become worn, this could present a major safety hazard in your vehicle.
There Are Some Home Improvement Jobs That You Can Do Yourself
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Home improvement means more than a new floor. You should carefully plan and research a project before you start, to make sure that you get the desired result. The tips in this article will help you to develop exceptional home improvement abilities. You can create the home of your dreams, and save money while you do it.
Display your necklaces or bracelets on a coat rack mounted on a wall. Perhaps you should not hang your most valuable jewelery. Hanging your jewelry up improves the decor of a room and has the added benefit of keeping it from getting tangled. Choose several items that you wear a lot and display those.
By weird coincidence, Salvador Herrando-Pérez (student blogger extra-ordinaire – see his previous posts on evolution, pollination, bird losses, taxonomic inflation, niche conservatism, historical biogeography, ecological traps and ocean giants) has produced a post this week expanding on the problem of roads. Also weirdly coincidental is that both Salva and I are in his home country of Spain this week.
Australia's > 800,000-km road network would go 60 times around the equator of our planet. Confined to the boundaries of any one country, roads are a conspicuous component of the landscape, and shape the dispersion, survival and reproduction of many plants and animals in urban and remote areas.
Those who drive (or are driven by) will be familiar with the image of a crushed kangaroo on the roadside (a hedgehog in Europe), or the sticky mosaic of insects smashed against the windscreen after a high-speed run. Mortality by collision is one of the many effects that roads can have on the demography of organisms – including humans. Those effects encompass
physical alteration of terrestrial and aquatic habitats,
chemical pollution leakage during road construction and maintenance, and from asphalt compounds during storms,
alteration of animal behaviour (e.g., change in home range, or in patterns of flight or vocalisation),
access to remote areas by hunters, fishermen and gatherers in general, and
intense habitat fragmentation1-3.
However, some species get around those negative impacts by using the roads as pathways to new territories, thereby eluding barriers like seas, mountains, rivers, dense vegetation, or competition for vital resources with other species.
Da Surya Shakti Services Private Limited (Dassspl) | Business | Solarplaza | The global solar energy (PV) platform
DA Surya Shakti (DASS) is an ISO 9001-2008 and MS ISO 9001-2008 Certified , government Authorized company for power projects. A Developer, Reseller and Distributor of leading Solar technology brands into the Indian Solar power Market. To date, DASS has entered into partnership agreements with leading equipment vendors, and manufacturers, and service companies.
First Read - Romney's outsider message at odds with D.C. connections
By NBC's Garrett Haake
WASHINGTON, DC -- After his stinging losses to Rick Santorum on Tuesday, Mitt Romney has responded with this message: He's the only Washington outsider left in the race and, thus, the only one capable of changing its culture.
And he has lumped his two main challengers – Santorum and Newt Gingrich – into the dreaded "Washington insider" category.
"I happen to believe that the American people recognize that if we're going to see change in Washington, we've got to see some new faces," Romney said at a campaign event in Atlanta. "I haven't spent any time working in Washington. I spent my life out in the real economy."
Comparison Between Modern and Traditional Inuit Cold Weather Clothing
A few months back I did a post comparing the performance characteristics between modern and early 20th century cold weather clothing. The comparison was along several different factors such as insulation, wind protection and weight, and was performed with respect to the clothing choices of several well known early 20th century explorers. You can see the post here. The result was that the modern clothing outperformed the early 20th century clothing in terms of insulation, and in particular, insulation per unit weight. The early 20th century outfits tested were largely comprised of wool as insulation, with the exception of Amundsen, who used a fur outer layer. His outfit performed the best out of the traditional clothing options.
In one of the comments, a member of this blog pointed me to another study, which looked at a comparison between modern clothing, and traditional Inuit cold weather clothing. I've gone through the study, and wanted to share some of the very interesting conclusions with you. For those interested, the study is Comparison ofTraditional and Manufactured Cold Weather Ensembles, Clim. Res. Vol. 5: 83-90, 1995.
The study compared three different clothing ensembles. For each of the three choices, the test subjects were wearing the same cotton/polyester underwear and turtle neck shirt, wool socks, and a wool toque. All three ensembles were rated to -40 degrees C/F.
First Ensamble-1991 Canadian military arctic clothing comprised of an inner and outer hooded parka, pants, wind pants and mittens. The inner and outer pants were made from uncoated nylon canvas outer shell with an inner layer of Polargard (100% polyester) and a layer of Dermoflex (coated fabric) lined with Nomex (a plain-weave natural-colored fabric). The parka (outer layer) and jacket (inner layer) were made from coated fabric (Dermaflex) and lined with Nomex. The parka also had a Polargard (100% polyester) insulation layer. Mitts made of the same layers as in the parka and Amry Mukluks completed this ensemble.
I tried to find a picture of the 1991 Canadian military arctic outfit, but was not able to do so. The closest thing I could find was a picture of soldiers wearing the 2008 Canadian military arctic clothing. Clearly there have been changes since 1991, but I hope it at least gives you an idea of what it would be like to wear it. If someone has a picture of the 1991 version, please let me know.
Thomas Wilson Story Teller: The Light Chasing Robot
One of my first attempts at building a robot was a project I had found in a book.Basically the idea was to scratch build an electric motor powered car, a simple electronic circuit with the key components being two photocells at the front of the car.I pretty much just built exactly what the book showed in the diagrams.I made a wooden triangle base, I rounded up two electric motors of matched type and size which I had from a radio controlled cars that had long since been busted up.(2) two and a half inch model air plane wheels, one small caster, one small electronics experimenters board, batteries and battery holders, wire, and a handful of small electrical components which would be needed to be assembled on the experimenters board.
I attached the wheels with small axles at the rear of the triangle piece of wood and mounted the motors on top of the wood so that the two gears would mesh up for the motors to supply power to the gear on the axles.I mounted the small caster at the front point of the triangle base.In the middle of the triangle I mounted the experimenter's board and the batteries.Assembly went well with no problems popping up I wasn't able to figure out how to work around.
My first exposure to the company's excellent S tronic dual-clutch 7-speed gearbox and plant the boston audi dealers and TTS scrambles away like someone jammed the audi cabriolet rs4 a button, and the audi cabriolet rs4 are extremely lightweight and compact, they can easily be integrated directly into the 1995 audi cabriolet, efficiency and comfort on long-distance routes.
Springâs coming, meaning that âpermanent head coldâ feeling to millions of allergy sufferers all over America
Allergic rhinitis is sometimes referred to as having a âpermanent head coldâ with a runny, stuffy, itchy nose, sneezing and sometimes sore, red eyes. Itâs estimated up to 20% of North Americans suffer rhinitis, so there are tens of millions of people out there just like you!
To understand what can be done, you first need to understand what causes the allergic reaction. More than 50% of allergic rhinitis is caused by airborne allergens which typically come in two forms being âperennialâ and the other being âseasonal âallergic rhinitis. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is sometimes referred to as âHayfeverâ and normally occurs in spring and summer as a result of pollen from trees, grass, weeds and mould.
Perennial allergic rhinitis occurs, as the name suggests, year round and is typically caused by house dust mites, animals and mould. Irritants like strong perfume and tobacco smoke can make this condition worse.
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Government Aid for Single Moms
A sizable quantity of households are led by single moms and debt may be the overriding concern in every of those households. The expenses of daycare typically render the selection of working irrelevant as many girls cannot earn sufficient to cover the price of day care and pay their bills. Add to that the anxiety of becoming the sole support, the home maker, the only in-home parent and taking care of all the chores and errands and the job becomes an exasperating, exhausting 1.
Romanization of Asian Language Writing Systems « TsukuBlog
When it comes to languages that use script different from the Roman alphabet used in many European languages, a perennial problem is how to best represent the sounds of those languages in "romaji," as romanized script is called here in Japan. Of course, if foreigners take the time to learn the local language and its writing system, then they can communicate directly with that. Needless to say, that is not a realistic option for those who can't devote years of study, and even then, one still needs to at least begin with a romanized representation of the words one is learning. So, how were the various systems of romanization developed, and which is to be preferred?
With respect to the Japanese language, if a foreigner unfamiliar with Japanese sees a word such as "syukai," how likely is it he or she will pronounce it "shukai?" About the same chance as the proverbial "snowball in hell," since what usually comes out is something like "sai-yu-kai." "Syu" makes sense from the standpoint of the Japanese phonetic system, where it is written as a combination of "し" (pronounced "shi" but sometimes written as "si," another source of confusion) and "ゆ" ("yu"). In combined form, then, it comes out as "しゅ", which logically could be romanized as "syu." The problem is, of course, that a foreigner will likely think this represents two separate syllables, "sy" and "u," and pronounce it accordingly. Thus, from that standpoint, "shu" is clearly a better choice.
Broken Steel is the third add-on for Fallout 3, . Broken Steel moves the level cap for your character from 20 to 30, . (Dead Money Honest Hearts .
No Dream Can Heal A Broken Heart lyrics performed by Sonata Arctica. . And the map to find my sleepin wishes . Send "No Dream Can Heal A Broken Heart" to your Cell.
. send no dream can heal a broken heart lyrics to your friends or rate the song no dream can heal a broken heart by . And the map to find my . Characters left: The No Dream .
In 1990, Dogpile was born out of the frenzy of the 1980s industrial scene. Led by veteran bassist William Paul Adams, Dogpile's sound is a hybrid of heavy techno drums and plodding bass, overlaid with shredded vocals and ferocious guitars. Dogpile toured extensively in the 90s, until Adams fell ill and the band went on hiatus, but never dissolved.
Inspired to move forward with new Dogpile material by the recent death of their close friend and tour manager from pancreatic cancer, the band reunited in 2010 to record their first new studio material since 1995.
All proceeds from Dogpile's new single "Broke Upon The First Stress" will be donated to The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
Don't let the frosty air get you down. Celebrate winter with a flourish by attending one of these seven mid-winter carnivals. Ice carvings, snow sculptures and polar bear swims are some traditional winter pastimes that will warm your spirit in spite of the single digit temps. No car is needed to explore the Northeast's best winter carnivals of 2012. You do need to pack your warmest clothes, as it all takes place in the great outdoors. These events are 100% kid-friendly, so pack the kids along with your long johns and get going.
What: Newport Winter Festival Where: Newport, Rhode Island When: February 17-26, 2012 Why: Traditions here include polo on the beach, a citywide scavenger hunt, seal cruises, live music and ice-skating in downtown Newport. A visit to the Newport Winter Festival guarantees a nippy infusion of seaside fun. Where to stay: February means great rates at Forty 1 North and Hotel Viking, luxurious properties that are both centrally located. If you are traveling with kids, the Marriott should work nicely, thanks to its great location and indoor pool. How to get there: Take Bonanza or Megabus to Providence from Port Authority or Amtrak from Penn Station. Once in Providence, you can hop bus number 60 run by RIPTA from Kennedy Plaza towards Newport. Get off at the last stop at Newport Gateway Center at 23 America's Cup Avenue a, 1hour and 10 minute ride from Providence.
My blog » Blog Archive » Greatest Business office Telephone Devices For Healthcare Offices
There are actually numerous business office mobile phone techniques out there to decide on from for your clinical workplace. Amongst the more typically recognized makes are Avaya, NEC Unified Alternatives, Nortel, Toshiba, Cisco, and Inter-Tel. Apart from these brand names, there are plenty of many others that do the job for professional medical offices centered on their particular desires – for both inter-office interactions, and affected person interactions.louis vuitton
"Disaster is Opportunity", Shane MacDonald, Bon Viveur
Have you ever been distracted from the task at hand by your need to get to work? Don't get distracted from your bicycle maintenance. That's just what I did last week and I ended in a heap, in the road on top of my bent and broken bike. I said ouch.
So what happened? I got distracted when replacing a pedal and only fixed it half way to the crank. The first time I stood on the pedal it flew off and span across the road. The bike said ouch.
Unfortunately for me, this mistake also broke the crank which needed replacing. The crank is connected to the chainset (which proved to be worn out), the chainset is connected to the chain (which needed to go so as not to damage the new chainset) and the chain is connected to the rear cassette (you get the idea).
My wallet said ouch.
But, disaster is opportunity as my splendid American friend used to tell me. If I needed to replace half the bike I might as well reconfigure it at the same time. I ride a Specialized Tricross which comes with a mountain-bike like gears. I was able to replace this with a new Shimano Sora chainset and cassette which has a ratio much more suited to road riding. Hopefully the ratio is also much closer to that I'll use for time-trialling later in the year.
A sore throat is an acute inflammation of the lower pharynx. This inflammation usually affects the mucous membrane and causes it to discharge secretions similar to sputum. In some cases, the throat can be very dry that coughing to discharge the secretions can be harsh on the throat. The tonsils and the soft palate may also become inflamed and cause pain when swallowing. A burning sensation and a tightness in the throat are also common occurrences when one has sore throat. Some common causes of sore throat include colds, allergies, and habits like breathing through the mouth.
Getting The Best Mobile And Web Testing Program Possible
Mobile and web applications are a huge business. For an application to succeed it must function properly under extreme loading. To compete in a big market, your application must run correctly. You need to feel 100% confident that your product is ready to be released before uploading it for users. With a comprehensive testing service, you will know if your application is running right. With thorough testing, your application will be ready for customers.
Ace Tennis | ONcourt: Diana Srebrovic "The Queen Is Back"
To read the article on ONcourt, please click here.
***Diana Srebrovic, born in Toronto, lives in Burlington, is 21 [I wish], really 27 . She has had an amazing storied tennis career. Nine Canadian junior titles led to the opportunity of an outstanding pro career. Instead, she turned her attention to college, decided on the University of Virginia before transferring to the University of Florida where she attained a #1 NCAA ranking. She now works with Bobby Armitage and Nathalie Armitage in the Oakville Tennis Academy. She recently played the $9000 events in Burlington and Niagara.***
There are to be restricted however of the most small 1970s ...
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When it comes to far Infrared saunas everyone knows that if you essential to finger and see anicteric, you should support whatsoever abstraction to acquire a few sessions in these wonderful sanative enclosures. These are vindicatory whatever of the optimum saunas out there and if you consider your upbeat and you equal to always strip ruddy and necessity to protect your transmitter grouping at its visor, and then you should definitely get a far infrared sauna. When compared to the clean ones, these will offer you with plane more eudemonia benefits.
Turn Your current Yard In to a Winter Wonderland | ATX Rent To Own | Lease Option | Owner Financed
You've got tended your current gardens all summer long and enjoyed the bright colors and great smelling blooms that resulted out of your work. Seeing that winter is originating, don't hold on there; you can continue to experience a stunning landscape throughout the chillier months.
Here are several twists upon old concepts that can help turn your garden into a winter wonderland.
During the holiday seasons, homeowners like to string icicle lighting across the eaves or outline windows on the front of the house. Although common practice, it is so… frequent.
At present, it is just a norm to nibble on junk foods, highly processed ingredients, fried foods and so on. But all these meals have an impact to your shape when it comes to getting rid of throw away in an appropriate approach.
There are many of natural herbs that is useful and utilised as classic formulas, which were ginger herb, Aloe vera leaf, Senna, Cascara Sagrada and Cayenne. These several herbs brought up are among the herbal remedies that give support to eradicate pollutants your clients' needs correct intestinal motion. There are a number more herbal tested recipes that could be use, like barberry which is often use by way of the physique to promote bile move, this place is nasty. Garlic oil and fennel may also be some crops which might be use during the natural colon detoxification menu these plants will assist to avoid the gas and get rid of the viruses and then leave the nice harmful bacteria.
Recent Study: Industrias Metalurgicas Pescarmona S.A. – Alternative Energy – Deals and Alliances Profile
2012-01-25 15:43:31 – Recently published research from GlobalData, "Industrias Metalurgicas Pescarmona S.A. – Alternative Energy – Deals and Alliances Profile", is now available at Fast Market Research
Industrias Metalurgicas Pescarmona S.A. (IMPSA) is a part of Pescarmona group, offering integral solutions for electric power generation from renewable sources. The company engages in developing, manufacturing and producing power from wind and hydro power plants. IMPSA offers a broad product mix based on green power generation from renewable energy sources through its business units, namely, IMPSA Hydro, IMPSA Wind, IMPSA Energy, IMPSA Process and IMPSA Port Systems. It has a wide business network across the globe with offices and industrial facilities located at Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, the US, Malaysia, China, and India. The company is headquartered in Mendoza, Argentina.
Industrias Metalurgicas Pescarmona S.A. – Alternative Energy – Deals and Alliances Profile provides you an in-depth data and
trend analysis of the company's mergers and acquisitions (MA) and financings. The report provides detailed information on MA, Equity/Debt Offerings, Private Equity, Venture Financing and Partnership transactions registered by the company over a five year period. The report portrays detailed comparative data on the number of deals and their value subdivided by deal types, markets, and regions, besides highlighting the company's major recent financial deals.
Word-of-Mouth Referrals Improve Traditional Marketing Efforts « SparkLight Communications
Marketers have long assumed content shared by friends or other influencers carries more weight than paid placements. Someone is more likely to visit a restaurant when referred by a friend, the thinking goes, than from a television or radio ad.
The physics behind a parachute is easy to understand. But making real ones are far from easy. Making toy parachutes seem like a good idea for an easy science project but experimenting with different variations is not as easy as tying strings to a fabric. Making parachutes for use in real life takes a lot of risk and accuracy.
Before modern parachutes gave us the thrill of skydiving it took a lot of guts for early investors to design parachutes that actually work and not fall them to their death. The history of parachutes went through a lot of development and a few deaths.
The modern parachute was invented by Louis-Sbastien Lenormand in 1783. However there are earlier versions of parachutes created by a few centuries earlier. Before the silk parachute was invented, there were basic designs built that worked in the same principles.
It is fun to make and earn from your hobby which is why many electronics hobbyists also learn about electronics repair
Electronic circuits are tools that you can use to learn about electronics if you assemble it on your own. Obtaining all of the right tools or components may help very much with each of your electronics project. The used type of circuit board must first be known and considered. With a circuit board you can easily connect or assemble all your circuits. Choose among the 3 types of the circuit boards. For the breadboard, this is the board used without soldering as its only temporary. The snipe nose type of pliers is required in order to bend the leads and to hold the small parts for soldering. For the electronic projects you are working on, you may also need an electrical drill. Application of Resistor Color Code is critical particularly for the professionals and hobbyists on electronic devices. Many people like to use the 555 timer simply because it is much advantageous and also versatile.
justsayin Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > however Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > justsayin Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > I know I will offend many anon posters here > by > > > saying this, but we all make mistakes > > > > My mistakes don't potentially lead to the death > of > > innocent children. > > > Bullshit.!doctype>